Nature Happenings - February
- Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month,
- Project FeederWatch continues,
- February is National Bird Feeding Month
- Put up bluebird boxes for Mountain and Western Bluebirds that are looking for suitable nest sites.
- Sandhill Cranes are leaving the Bosque del Apache and heading north.
- Watch for Evening Grosbeaks eating black oil sunflower seeds at tray feeders.
- Watch for Ruby-crowned Kinglets and flickers at suet feeders.
- American Goldfinches begin to molt into their brighter plumage.
- Look for heavy feeder activity as birds molt, fatten up for migration, sing/defend territory and build nests.
- Scrub-Jays begin to nest late in the month.
- Swallows arrive.
- Thousands of American Red Robins are have arrived in San Diego County.
- Bushtits beginning to pair off and flocks thin out.
- Great Blue Heron nesting continues.
- Bald Eagles present in the local mountains and nesting in Ramona, CA